On this page you can read about the different types of competition held on our greens:
weekly draw events for our own members, and special holiday events ​
major inter-club tournaments for women's, men's and mixed teams ​
Vancouver & District (V&D) tournaments in a variety of formats
There is also a note on the various weekly leagues hosted by ourselves or other clubs.​
Please note that details of dates are currently based on 2024, and are offered for illustration only.
Club Weekly Events
We have three weekly draw sessions for members, each lasting about two hours.
SUNDAY: 10.00 am
WEDNESDAY: 10.00 am
FRIDAY "WORKERS' LEAGUE": Draw at 10.00 am, but we ask players to arrive between 9 and 9.30 so as to do some routine maintenance work before the game.
Members are always welcome to make up a group for a game, or use the green for practice. Please check clubhouse notice board or calendar for availability.
Club Holiday Events
Held on the Monday holidays for Victoria Day, Canada Day and BC Day. In 2025 (these dates are good):
May 19th FUN & SKILLS
August 4th "QUADDIE" DAY
These are relaxed and light-hearted events for club members and invited guest players. As you can see from the unique trophy for the Fun & Skills event, we don't take things (or ourselves) too seriously on the day. Though everyone still wants to win it...

The Fun & Skills are normally based on four different formats, with teams made up to ensure a range of experience. The skills might involve bowling to a fixed roundel target; or scoring points for being able to roll your bowls to within two meters of the ditch; or even a game where the jack is thrown last, not first. These involve real skills - but they are definitely fun.
The Canada Day event is a standard mixed triples, but there is an element of fancy dress, with everyone asked to wear some item of red clothing - so a bit of fancy dress to go with the fancy shots. Meanwhile, Quaddie Day is based on teams of four, with three games to be played in the day. First a straight four-a-side game; then each team breaks into two pairs, who each play another team; and finally one player in the team plays a singles game while the other three play a triples. Three games, three formats - it's quite a day...
Inter-club Leagues
Our club participates in various inter-club leagues. The format for all these leagues is three-bowl triples. They all start in May or June and can continue to August. Each league has an entry fee and prizes are awarded on the final day. All teams have to consist of members of one club.
This is an opportunity to get involved in serious (but friendly) competition, and to meet bowlers from other clubs. As these leagues continue for a number of weeks, there will be occasions when a player is unavailable and a substitute or spare player is needed. Any member interested in playing in any of these leagues should contact Peter Cheong
Granville Park
West Point Grey
West Point Grey
Pennant (Women)
Pennant (Men)
Elm Park (Mixed)
Wednesday (Mixed)
Ed Angel (Men's)
Westside Ladies
Mon Eve
Mon Eve
Tue a.m.
Wed Eve
Thur a.m
Fri a.m

Inter-club Events
Pick and click!
One-day Events
League Format
Vancouver & District Tournaments
Men's Pairs: 1-2 June
President's Cup: 12 June
BC Week (Men): 15-19 July
For full details of these events please see the V&D Handbook